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10 Tips on How to Market Your Ebook

Posted on Aug 3, 2016 11:30:00 AM by Amber Callan

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When it comes to establishing thought leadership, increasing brand awareness and ultimately generating more customers, few strategies are more effective than creating educational eBooks. Publishing educational eBooks allows your business to share your expertise on solving common customer problems while getting new lead information on visitors who are downloading them. It’s really a win-win!

For example, we have an ebook below on “How to Turn Your Website Into a Lead Generation Machine” which gives tips on how you can redesign your website for maximum leads. This eBook helps businesses get what they want with information on how to increase leads. Further, we now know that this visitor is having problems with lead generation so if we think they’re a good lead, we can tailor our solutions to their problems.

Surprisingly, the problem for many business professionals isn’t rooted in their ebook, which is interesting, thought-provoking, relevant, and worth reading. Rather, it’s that they stumbled (or were misled by smooth-talking consultants!) on how to market an ebook.

The good news, however, is that learning how to market your ebook isn’t difficult. Here are 10 practical tips to help you get as many leads from your ebook as possible:

Tip #1: Create a Landing Page

Create a landing page for your ebook where people will first come to when they want to download your ebook. Have a form for them to fill out so that you get the contact information of someone who is interested in your content. You can continue to follow up with them and see if that topic is something they or their company could use assistance with, thus giving your business the opportunity to land a new customer.

Make sure there are not website navigation buttons on this page so that people can just concentrate on putting in their information and getting the ebook. Having bullet points of what is in the ebook and how it could add value for a person reading it is a great place to start.

Tip #2: Market Your Ebook via an Email Campaign

Building an email campaign for your ebook allows for the people already in your contact list to see your new content offer and have the chance to learn even more. Even people who are already customers could benefit from the information in a new ebook but they are probably not going to your site in order to look for it. By sending out an email campaign, you can continue to maintain good relationships and share relevant information with existing contacts.

Tip #3: Create an "Attention Getting" Cover

Pay a great deal of attention to the cover. Yes, people do judge a book by its cover. This doesn’t mean that they’ll download it because they like the cover. But it often means their decision to click on the call to action because they were first drawn by the cover photo.

Tip #4: Guest Blog with the eBook as the Content Offer

Going to well-known blogs such as Business2Community and posting as a guest with a call to action to your ebook at the bottom drives a ton of traffic. People who may not have come to your site but instead are just browsing different blog topics could see the ebook, be interested in the topic, and download it.

There is another lead for your company, another person who could share it with others, and your company is getting their name out there on different sites.

Tip #5: Build a Pay-Per-Click Campaign

Build strategic, highly-targeted pay-per-click campaigns (Google Adwords, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, etc.) that promote your ebook and build buzz. Remember to test and optimize all ads to focus on what works best.

Tip #6: Reach Out Via Social Media

Connect with niche readers through social media, and by having a presence on community sites like Good Reads. Share the links to your landing page so that people have the opportunity to click right on the social media message and get the ebook download. Make it as easily accessible as possible.

Tip #7: Follow up After Someone Downloads the eBook

Once someone has clicked to download the ebook, puts in their information, and gets the actual content offer, the communication should not stop there. By sending follow up emails with other relevant content and reaching out in order to see if their company could benefit from your services, you have a better chance for someone to become a possible lead. Think of your ebook download as the ice breaker. Once that first step is completed, it opens the door for more conversation and even setting up a meeting for a consultation.

Tip #8: Use Press Releases

Consider using press releases for marketing your ebook. Steer clear of the cheap, low-end distribution services that are a waste of time and money.

Tip #9: Distribute Your Ebook

Send complimentary copies of your ebook to key influencers and thought leaders in your industry. This provides another opportunity for more people to share the ebook and for it to get in the hands of more people. More eyes reading your ebook, the bigger success it is!

Tip #10: Contact A Content Marketing Agency

Contact Leap Clixx! We understand how today’s digital marketing landscape works – and just as importantly, how it doesn’t work. We help business professionals create compelling ebooks as part of their successful inbound marketing campaigns, as well as assist them in getting their “name out there” so they can further establish themselves as thought leaders in their field. To learn more, contact us today. Your consultation is free.

For more information about how to create more leads for your company through your website, download our FREE eBook:

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Topics: Lead Generation