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3 Ways to Utterly Destroy Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Posted on Sep 12, 2016 11:30:00 AM by Amber Callan

Here at Leap Clixx, we’re a happy bunch. And we don’t mean that we’re the “mindlessly optimistic” type, or the person you just want to SCREAM AT sometimes for, well, being mindlessly optimistic is a good enough reason.

Yet with this being said, we sometimes find it educational (and yeah, kind of fun) to take another route to getting a key message across, by telling businesses what they definitely shouldn’t do, rather than what they should do.

And we’re digging into that playbook here, since today we are going over 3 ways to utterly destroy your sales and marketing strategy:

  1. Target Your Offerings to Anyone and Everyone

The number one way to truly ruin your sales and marketing strategy is to aim your products or services to anyone and everyone. Why? Because while you love all your customers equally, the fact is that they aren’t all facing the same challenges, or struggling with the same pain points. Your sales and marketing strategy has to target your specific buyer personas, or else you’ll leave a tremendous amount of revenue and profit on the table -- and prospects and customers will exit your pipeline for the competition.

  1. Fail to Differentiate and Distinguish Your Value Proposition

When customers can’t tell the difference between one business and another, they do something that’s rational for them, and horrifying to businesses that deserve a better fate: they start focusing solely on cost. That is, they figure that two (or more) businesses are essentially the same, and so the winner is the one with the lowest price tag.

In light of this truth, the second best way you can tank your sales and marketing strategy, is by failing to differentiate and distinguish your value proposition.

Of course, you could also do the exact opposite and clearly convey why you’re unique, and what advantages your customers can expect by choosing you. And a lovely bonus here is that you don’t need to be the lowest price in town – or even close. That means you’ll make more revenue and profit, while you onboard more customers. GOOD TIMES.

  1. Take the DIY Route

As noted by Forbes, “In the digital age, brands are no longer mere corporate assets to be leveraged, but communities of belief and purpose.” 

What this translates into is this: unless you have the in-house resources and capacity to create “communities of belief and purpose” and ultimately win the online and inbound marketing game, then ignoring this fact and going the DIY route will guarantee you 3 things: you’ll spend MUCH more than you want, your results will be somewhere between disappointing and devastating, and you’ll lose ground to your competition who opted not to hit the DIY self-destruct button.

Or, if you didn’t feel like wasting money and time, or helping your competitors succeed (which is thoughtful but unwise), you can work with proven experts to build, execute and manage your sales and marketing strategy.

Learn More

To learn more about the ins, outs, do’s and don’ts of sales and marketing strategy -- and to ensure that the closest you get to the above-noted disasters is reading this article – contact the Leap Clixx team today for a free consultation. And so that you can ensure your current marketing plan is using inbound best practices, be sure to download our FREE eBook "A Guide to Inbound Marketing Best Practices":

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Topics: Inbound Marketing