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3 Important Things You Should Know About Inbound Marketing

Posted on Jun 10, 2015 11:43:33 AM by Chans Weber

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inbound-marketing-things-should-knowInbound marketing is a great strategy, one we truly believe in. We’re confident that if you embrace inbound marketing strategies, you’re going to experience definite success with generating leads and making sales.

However, there’s a few things you should know about inbound marketing before you get into it too deeply. Our faith in the system doesn’t waver, but you should realize that it won’t all be puppies and rainbows during this process. Here are a few things you ought to keep in mind as you embark on your inbound marketing journey:

3 Important Inbound Marketing Reminders

1. Success doesn’t happen overnight

This is one of inbound marketing’s harsher truths, but one you absolutely need to come to grips with: the process takes some time. Google must use its web crawler to access every site, and as you add new pages, it will take time for Google to crawl those pages and add them to its index. Your site’s relevance can’t rise without Google’s help, so you’ll have to wait for the search giant to catch up.

2. It requires constant attention

The internet is like Las Vegas: it never closes! You can’t decide when people will visit your site or fill out a form, so you must be monitoring it constantly for new visitors and leads. You also have to publish new content on a regular basis. At minimum, you should be posting new blog articles 2-3 times per week, but daily posting is best.

3. Some adjustments may be needed

You probably invested a lot of time and energy into developing your inbound marketing plan, but that doesn’t guarantee success on its own. You know what they say about the “best laid plans…” If it’s been a few months and you feel like your marketing efforts should be more successful, you need to examine every aspect of your strategy to identify possible problems. For example, you may have miscalculated your buyer personas; or perhaps you need to change the topics you’re writing about in your blog articles.

Learn more about Inbound Marketing best practices with our free eBook.

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