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4 Steps to Running a Successful AdWords Campaign

Posted on May 26, 2015 12:12:00 PM by Chans Weber

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running-successful-adwords-campaignSometimes it feels like Google’s AdWords program has been around since the rise of the internet itself. In fact, the first online advertisement appeared on the web in 1994 and by 1995, a company called DoubleClick was launched, which was eventually acquired by Google in 2008. Everything Google does lately seems to be a long-running success (well, except Google+), and AdWords is no exception. Although it relies on a digital marketing strategy that isn’t as popular these days (pay-per-click advertising), AdWords is still going strong, partially because of the brand name associated with it (Google).

If you want to see how AdWords can boost your business, we’re here to help. Here are four steps for running a successful AdWords campaign:

Step 1: Discover your keywords

AdWords requires you to come up with some keywords for your business that will dictate when your ad shows up. So any time a Google user searches for your selected keywords, your ad will display among their search results. You’ll want to pick keywords that your potential customers will be using to find your business, products and/or services.

Step 2: Create an ad

This is your campaign, so you’re in control. What kind of ad do you want your potential customers to see? You’ll have the freedom to create the copy for your ads, which you’ll then send over to Google. As long as there isn’t any profanity or questionable content, your ad will appear exactly as you intended.

Step 3: Target your audience

Another benefit of Google AdWords is its ability to target specific regions and locations. Google is used all over the globe, and if your ad is showing up for everyone, it could potentially cost you a lot of money (since you pay for every click). Therefore, you should target your ad to specific locations – that way, only the users from those locations will see it.

Step 4: Determine your budget

One of the best parts of AdWords is its ability to adjust to any budget. You’ll have to pay for every click that AdWords brings you (hence the term PPC), but you get to decide what your max is. Once you’ve received enough clicks to meet your budget, AdWords will stop displaying your ad until you give the OK. This ensures you never spend more than you are willing to invest.

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