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4 Things to Remember When Running an Inbound Marketing Campaign

Posted on May 1, 2015 4:43:57 PM by Chans Weber

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things-to-remember-running-an-inbound-marketing-campaignInbound marketing is an exciting marketing strategy, which is cost effective and eminently adaptable. But it also has a lot of moving parts. Because of this, it can be easy to forget things from time to time. We’ve learned this the hard way here at Leap Clixx, and we don’t want you to have to do the same. So, let's look at what's important for an inbound marketing campaign:

4 Things to Remember When Running an Inbound Marketing Campaign 

It takes a little time

Inbound marketing works – we’re absolutely sure of that. But it doesn’t work overnight. It takes a while just for your site to be properly indexed by Google’s web crawler, and every new site page has to be indexed as well. That means it takes time for your online footprint to grow, which allows your search results and keyword rankings to improve. You have to be patient.

You can’t change the nature of sales

Ever since the first salesman tried to sell the first product (it was probably a caveman trying to sell an animal pelt), the sales business has been a struggle. And I’m sorry to say, this isn’t going to change with inbound marketing. Sales are still pretty difficult, and they require persistent lead nurturing and quality salespeople to be successful. Your salespeople will have more tools at their disposal thanks to inbound strategies (such as content they can share with leads), but they still have to make sales calls and deliver the conversions.

Keep posting new content

No matter what happens, don’t ever stop posting new content. Whatever publishing schedule you’ve committed to (twice a week, thrice a week, daily), stick to it. Not only does this ensure your online footprint keeps growing, it also improves your site’s relevance in the eyes of Google. The search giant prioritizes sites with fresh and regularly updated content.

Don’t forget about social media

Social media is a difficult arena to navigate for marketers, because it’s all just so new. No one has figured out the foolproof blueprint for marketing success on social media. However, we know enough to recognize its value as part of an inbound marketing strategy. Your business must have a presence on every major social media site, and be sure to update those accounts with new links and posts on a daily basis. Social media will give you an excellent platform to promote your content, as well as allow you to interact with your customers.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing