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AdWords For Local Businesses On A Budget

Posted on Aug 23, 2013 5:00:00 AM by Chans Weber

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adwords-for-local-businesses-on-a-budgetIt's very easy to look at PPC or pay per click advertising and ask how can this be useful for my company. There is so much that goes into it, such as the research, estimating traffic, and the cost per click. Pay per click is sometimes so expensive that how could it be worth it to anyone? These are the questions that many small businesses have been asking themselves for years.

Recent Improvements Made to AdWords

Recently, Google made improvements to its extension capabilities and the ease with which extensions can be managed in the AdWords dashboard. Obviously anytime Google makes something easier, it makes the rest of our lives a little bit easier as well.

Call Extensions allow you to display your phone number in your ad. Smartphone users can click to call from their mobile devices. Sitelink Extensions link directly from the ad to specific pages on your website, saving customers from having to click around to find the page they want. Location Extensions allow you to include your business address, phone number and a link to a map reference in your ad. App Extensions provide a link to an app, making it easy for searchers to automatically download the app. With Offer Extensions, you can attach an offer to your ad. A click on the view offer button goes to a Google hosted landing page where the customer can print or save the offer.

Get Creative With A Limited Budget

With so many PPC options and opportunities, some businesses have figured out ways to be extremely creative on a limited budget. For example, Snickers recently bid on misspellings of commonly searched terms in order to gain the attention of people at work who had restricted access due to firewalls at work. Within three days of launch, the ad was seen by well over 500,000 people, at what Snickers calls a low cost. Maybe you’ll be inspired and let one of our PPC experts get creative with your next campaign.

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