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Are Google Glass Users Worth Targeting?

Posted on Jun 6, 2013 4:00:00 AM by Chans Weber

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Google GlassLike many in the online marketing business, we are fascinated by Google Glass. Who wouldn't be with it's very futuristic and very cool design (or ridiculous, depending on who you ask). Whether or not we'll someday consider Google Glass users when we're developing online marketing strategies remains to be seen. Remember, there was once a time when we didn't put any thought into mobile devices like iPhones and iPads. Maybe Google Glass will catch on and we'll all be talking to our glasses and taking a picture with just a wink!

Google Glass Steals The Show

This past week was the annual I/O show where Google usually showcases their new and exciting products, however there was barely a mention of Glass. The lack of a mention didn’t stop Glass from stealing the show from the rest of the conference. During the show the official Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook apps were debuted. The crowds were so packed you would have thought it was a Justin Timberlake concert. There were many developers wearing Glass at the show, but the real tell was how jealous everyone without Glass looked when they saw others wearing the head-mounted gear.

Is Google Glass A Fad Or Will It Catch On?

It seems the only developer not talking about Glass at the big show was Google. Even the U.S. government got in on it and said they were convinced that Glass and products like it will not simply be a fad. The only thing we can take away from this is that Google wants to sit back and see what happens. It seems as though Glass was the show at the I/O conference, however it feels like Google forgot about their keynote product.

This goes back to the question of will Google Glass catch on and get it’s developers attention, or are they going to have a wait and see attitude, which could mean they are missing the boat on the enormous demand that is out there for the product right now. If done right Glass could be the next big thing in technology and in the marketing world, but only time will tell.

Image Credits: Giuseppe Costantino / Shutterstock.com