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Attracting New Website Visitors in 5 Steps

Posted on Jun 29, 2015 11:48:00 AM by Chans Weber

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attracting-new-website-visitorsInbound marketing is a great strategy for various reasons: adaptability, affordability, effectiveness, etc. But for me, I like inbound marketing because of the simple idea at the heart of it: create content, attract visitors.

In the end, that’s all inbound marketing really is. Sure, we have to follow-up with leads and integrate social media, but ultimately it all comes back to that central concept: you write good content, and it will bring the visitors in.

With that in mind, allow me to fulfill the promise of the headline. Here are five steps to attracting new website visitors:

Step 1: Decide on a Blog Topic

Many people struggle when deciding what to blog about. In reality, in shouldn’t be that difficult if you take a moment to ponder it. You work in your business, you interact with the customers; what are they talking about? What are the most common questions you get from customers? Those are things you should write about. If you still need help coming up with interesting blog topics we've already written a blog about it. 

Step 2: Find the right keywords

Keywords are instrumental in inbound marketing, because they help the web searchers find our content. Every blog headline should have a minimum of one keyword, and keywords should be sprinkled throughout the blog article.

Step 3: Write and post the content

Now that you have a topic, do some online research and find a couple of related links. Then, get writing! You don’t have to write a scholarly article – a conversational tone is perfectly acceptable here. Don’t forget to incorporate keywords, and try to hit 400-600 words. If you can only manage to surpass 300, that’s fine. Write the best article you can, regardless of length – don’t try to stretch it if you don’t have anything else to say.

Step 4: Promote the content

Time to tell everyone about your new content! Get onto every social media platform and post a link to your new article. In fact, your Instagram and Twitter accounts can probably share the link 2-3 different times – the audience changes constantly on these formats, since they are always updated to the most recent post first.

Step 5: Rinse and repeat

OK, so there’s not really any rinsing involved, but the headline sounded better that way. Now that you’ve done this once, be prepared to do it again… and again… and again. We advocate blogging at least three times per week, but blogging on a daily basis is even better.

And that’s it! If you follow these steps, dutifully update your blog multiple times per week, and your keywords and content are solid, you should see your new visitors rise steadily.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, SEM, SEO