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Samantha Shannon

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The Ultimate PPC Audit Guide

Conducting a proper PPC audit is essential for businesses that use platforms like Google Ads. Successful PPC advertising depends on making adjustments and eliminating internal mistakes to achieve the highest possible ROI. The benefits of a PPC audit could include: 

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4 Great Buyer Persona Questions to Ask Current Customers

For those who don’t know, a buyer persona is a fictitious representation of an ideal customer. Modern marketers use buyer personas to tailor marketing and advertising campaigns to match customer preferences and attract “ideal” leads. However, in order to form a buyer persona in the first place, businesses need to reach out to their current customer base for information. And the key to developing effective buyer personas often relates to the quality of questions a business chooses to ask in surveys and interviews. In short, businesses need to pose insightful, pertinent questions to determine what type of consumers are drawn to their brand and what they can do to cater to them further. Here, we’re going to list four different buyer persona questions that professionals can use to really get to know their customers, and ultimately, market more effectively to them as a result: 

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The Pros & Cons of Viral Marketing Techniques

Struggling to engage with consumers on social media is incredibly frustrating for business owners. Unfortunately, many businesses create content and advertisements that don’t resonate with their target audience. Still, it doesn’t make much sense to pursue a social-media strategy that fails to reach qualified leads. Given those facts, it’s hardly surprising that many businesses are beginning to introduce viral marketing techniques within their own campaigns. After all, effective viral marketing content boasts the potential to generate a huge number of impressions and inspire a surge in conversions and sales. But is there a downside to “going viral”? Here we’ll examine the pros and cons of viral marketing for small businesses and explain why it doesn’t always make sense.

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5 Content Conversion Tips for Small Business Bloggers

What is the point of marketing content if not to generate leads and sales? Yes, it’s beneficial to draw in large numbers of traffic through blog posts, but at the end of the day, money talks. The problem is, it’s difficult for many small businesses to boost their content conversion rates. And more than one copywriter has struggled to produce content that yields tangible returns. Fortunately, you can use any one of these five tips to make your site more appealing and engaging to interested leads:

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Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: The Key Differences

The rise of digital devices has affected the nature of nearly every industry under the sun. Few fields, however, have been altered as much as marketing and advertising. Indeed, one simply needs to compare digital marketing vs traditional marketing techniques to notice the stark contrast between how marketers once operated, and how they currently approach problems. Traditional marketing refers to any marketing content not generated digitally like TV and radio commercials, print ads, and brochures. Digital marketing, by contrast, encompasses any marketing material created for online consumption such as blogs, social-media posts, podcasts, or videos.

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Public Relations Versus Marketing: What’s the Difference?

If you could jump back to the year 2005 and ask a professional the difference between PR and marketing, most would probably be able to provide a good answer. In fact, a particularly eloquent pro from that era might explain: Marketing relates to advertising and the subsequent promotion of products, whilePR is concerned with company image and brand advancement. Now though, it’s much trickier to draw the line in the public relations versus marketing debate. Indeed, many marketing agencies have already begun to serve as de-facto PR firms for their clients. Today then, we’ll focus on what traditionally has separated PR from marketing and determine whether or not those old-school definitions still carry weight. 

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How to Identify and Address Marketing Failures

How hard could it be to spot a marketing failure? After all, some of the most famous and successful companies have been guilty of making major marketing faux pas online. Indeed, nearly every major corporation at this point has committed some sort of regrettable gaff on social media. Yet the truth is, most marketing errors aren’t obvious or cringeworthy. Instead, many companies might not realize they’ve even made a mistake at all. To that end, today we’ll explore three common marketing failures –– and what your business can do to correct them:

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How to Use LinkedIn for Business Development

When business owners think about using social media to promote marketing content and build professional connections, LinkedIn tends to be overlooked. For whatever reason, most pros will first consider Facebook, Twitter, or even Instagram to launch their marketing campaigns and try out new tactics. However, leveraging some of LinkedIn’s unique features can help entrepreneurs grow their business in a significant way. To that end, today we’ll explain how you can use LinkedIn for business development:

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The Beginner’s Guide to the Agile Marketing Process

It’s never too late to learn something valuable. Business owners of all ages and experience levels can benefit from agile marketing –– but many don’t know what agile marketing is. Sure, you may have heard the term and have a vague understanding of agile marketing, but plenty of professionals would struggle to describe what the agile marketing process actually entails. Not to worry, though. At Leap Clixx, we’re agile marketing experts and are more than happy to explain how agile marketing works in practice. Here then is a quick breakdown of what you can expect when you partner with an agile marketing firm:

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Determining How Much To Spend on Google AdWords: 3 Influential Factors

It’s never a wise decision to begin any new venture without first doing your homework. And we can’t blame business owners for wondering how much they should spend on Google AdWords and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Unfortunately, there’s no “magic number” that guarantees a maximum return on investment with online advertising. Like most business expenses, everything is relative. After all, some massive companies spend $50 million annually on PPC advertising –– while other small operations spend less than $1,000 per month. So while there may not be a uniform answer to the question of optimal Google AdWords spend, there are ways you can determine what’s a good starting point for your business. Here are three factors that should influence your decision-making on PPC ad-spend:

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