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Online Lead Generation the Inbound Way

Posted on May 29, 2015 11:50:46 AM by Chans Weber

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online-lead-generation-inbound-wayI know why you’re here. You’re here because we used the magic words: online lead generation.

It seems everyone wants to know how to generate leads online, and they’re all searching for the answer like it’s some big secret.

Well, I’ve got news for you: it’s not a secret. I’ll tell you the answer right now. Inbound marketing. If you utilize inbound marketing, you will generate leads online.

Why Inbound Marketing Generates Leads Online

Of course, I know what you’ll say next:

“If it’s so simple, why isn’t everyone doing it?”

Well, first of all, tons of businesses are doing it. And second of all, inbound marketing campaigns require some hard work to get off the ground, and plenty of people are looking for the easy answer instead of the right one. Inbound marketing isn’t rocket science, but it’s not a cakewalk, either. It requires dedication, persistence and plenty of writing. But when you combine all three, you get a dynamic and effective marketing strategy.

So how does it work?

The central hub of any inbound campaign is the business website. You will host your content on the website, which will consist of several blog articles and a few “content offers.” The blog articles are on topics related to your field/market and will utilize keywords that searchers use when looking for your products/services. The blogs draw the visitors in. Then, the content offers seal the deal.

Content offers are like more in-depth blog articles, usually in a slightly different format (like an eBook or white paper). You ask the visitor to provide contact information in exchange for the content. If your content is good, this is an easy choice: their contact info is free, so they’ll gladly give it to you. But what they don’t realize is they just agreed to become a lead for your business.

That’s it? Sounds simple.

There’s slightly more to it than that, but that’s the central premise. I should mention that you have to find the right keywords before you start writing content, then you have to continually post new blog articles every week. And there is also a social media and email component to this. But you’ve got the gist: prepare relevant content, and bring the visitors to you.

What if I want to know more?

I’m so glad you asked! Take a look at our eBook below. I think you will find some valuable information to help get you kick started with your inbound marketing strategy.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing