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The Beginner’s Guide to the Agile Marketing Process

It’s never too late to learn something valuable. Business owners of all ages and experience levels can benefit from agile marketing –– but many don’t know what agile marketing is. Sure, you may have heard the term and have a vague understanding of agile marketing, but plenty of professionals would struggle to describe what the agile marketing process actually entails. Not to worry, though. At Leap Clixx, we’re agile marketing experts and are more than happy to explain how agile marketing works in practice. Here then is a quick breakdown of what you can expect when you partner with an agile marketing firm:

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Digital Advertising Payment: CPC, CPA, CPM Defined and Explained

Everyone loves a deal. In fact, there are few things more rewarding than getting a business purchase just right –– and knowing you’ve managed to save money in the process. However, since most business transactions are more nuanced than the average consumer purchase, figuring out which payment plan is best for your company is often more complex than simply comparing and contrasting prices. This is definitely the case with paid digital advertising. Indeed, CPC, CPA, CPM, and all “cost-per” payment plans offer business owners different options –– though no one method is objectively superior to the others. The truth is, business owners need to take many factors into account to determine the ideal advertising strategy for their company. And to explain it all a bit further and help you decide which type of advertising you should pursue, here’s a quick look at CPC, CPA, and CPM advertising, with some pros and cons associated with each.

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What is Agile Marketing?

Change is the ultimate constant. Whether in business or in life, people, places, and things are always undergoing continual change. However, the rise of the internet has, well, changed how people deal with change. Once upon a time, when a business decided to proceed with a set plan of action, it was difficult to gauge the merit of that strategy until it had played out to a conclusion. Professionals didn’t have access to instant statistics and customer feedback like they do now. Since modern business owners do have access to that intel though, agile marketing was developed to help companies market themselves more effectively –– and react to changes that occur all the time.

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Value Proposition Examples: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

In order to be successful in business you’ve got to stand out. You need to bring something to the table that no one else can, and –– most importantly –– you have to tell people about it. Developing the most effective product or service on the market won’t do your company any good if you’re unable to accurately convey why your leads should do business with you. That’s one reason why many businesses are beginning to prominently feature value propositions on their websites –– even on their homepages in some instances. A value proposition is a brief statement that sums up (1) how a product solves a problem, (2) the benefits that product provides, and (3) why that product is superior to the competition. Striking the right balance in a value proposition can be difficult, though. Write content that’s overly detailed you’ll lose your readers’ attention; write something too broad and your reader won’t understand what your product does. Here then are a few value proposition examples that run the gamut –– so you can see how to form one that works for your company:

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4 Benefits of Advertising on Social Media

There’s no debate among professional marketers that every business needs a strong social-media presence. Indeed, most companies regularly post on at least one social-media channel. And social media is undoubtedly a great way for a company to establish its brand, reach out to new leads, promote content, and engage with customers. But, you probably already knew that.

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Determining How Much To Spend on Google AdWords: 3 Influential Factors

It’s never a wise decision to begin any new venture without first doing your homework. And we can’t blame business owners for wondering how much they should spend on Google AdWords and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Unfortunately, there’s no “magic number” that guarantees a maximum return on investment with online advertising. Like most business expenses, everything is relative. After all, some massive companies spend $50 million annually on PPC advertising –– while other small operations spend less than $1,000 per month. So while there may not be a uniform answer to the question of optimal Google AdWords spend, there are ways you can determine what’s a good starting point for your business. Here are three factors that should influence your decision-making on PPC ad-spend:

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3 Steps to Developing an Effective Marketing Research Approach

Starting a new company from scratch or moving an established company into a new market represents both a great challenge and opportunity for business owners. Unsurprisingly, the first hurdle any new business faces when moving into uncharted territory is that of conducting market research. After all, you wouldn’t plan a trip without first deciding on a route, budget, and destination; nor should you play fast and loose with your marketing strategies. Here then are three steps every business owner should look to follow when forming a marketing research approach:

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Top SMART Goal Examples and Explanations

Ambiguity almost always accompanies failure. Not knowing how you’re going to complete a given task is a frustrating experience. Not knowing the point of an assignment is even more draining and infuriating for employees. That’s why businesses that set SMART goals tend to enjoy greater success in marketing, advertising, and sales than companies that neglect this vital process. We’ve talked about SMART goals before on our blog, but for the uninitiated, SMART stands for: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Today though, we’re going to take the extra step and provide you with three SMART goal examples and how to build similar goals for your company: 

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Why Your Business Should Start Conducting SEO Analysis ASAP

A great man once said that an unexamined life is not worth living. Several thousand years later, we can say with some certainty that an unexamined website is not worth optimizing. There are a myriad of ways you can work to bolster your website’s SEO performance –– and while nearly every business employs some form of SEO practice in their work –– significantly fewer take the time to study those efforts. Indeed, SEO analysis is perhaps less glamorous than SEO implementation; however, for companies that want to improve their online presence, it’s just as vital. Here then, are several key reasons why your business should start conducting SEO analysis now –– plus a few ideas and tools help to get you started:

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Domain Age: Does it Matter in SEO Rankings?

Google works in mysterious ways. The search-engine giant’s algorithm for determining page rankings has long been the subject of debate, conjecture, and analysis among professionals with an interest in digital marketing. After all, figuring out what makes one website appear on a search page above another is an extremely valuable bit of knowledge. The truth is though, there is no single determining factor in regard to page rankings. Indeed, Google itself has announced that it uses over 200 factors to rank websites. Still, that hasn’t stopped progressive business owners from looking for any edge they can get when it comes to search-engine optimization. One such purported “edge” is domain age. For some years now, people have debated about the importance of domain age in SEO rankings. However, just how critical domain age is remains a hot topic for many digital marketers. Today, we’ll look to dispel some of the myths around domain age and offer as much clarity as possible on the subject. 

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