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Newsjacking Done Right In 3 Easy Steps

Adwords "Enhances" Campaigns To Target All Devices

Small Businesses Need Optimized Websites

March Madness: Google Panda Update Blocks Duplicate Content

How Google Plus Improves Your Rankings on Google

The Value of Pinterest for Small Businesses

 Can my business value from using Pinterest? What is the Value of Pinterest? Why should I use Pinterest for my business? These are all questions that I have recently heard. The answer is yes your business can value from using Pinterest, the value of Pinterest is very high, and there are many reasons to use Pinterest for your business.

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Keep Your Google Reviews From Being Deleted!

 If you’re a small business in St. Louis, or any city for that matter, being found on Google is very important to gaining customers. This means you need to be found on Google, especially in local search results. Your business needs it’s Google+ Local Pages account to be indexed and come up as high as possible in the search results. One way to get your page to a higher search ranking is to have positive Google reviews. But, what in the world will you do when your Google reviews start to disappear?

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Top Online Directories For St. Louis Businesses

Are you looking to get your website seen for free? There is a simple method for doing this. The process being you need to rank high on search engines, such as Google and Bing. One way to help your business rank higher in the search engines is to get your business listed into online directories. These directories allow you to set up a personal page with a citation pointing back to your business website.

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Online Marketing Budgets Increase for Businesses in 2013

Over the last few years companies have started to realize the benefits of online marketing. Whether that's content marketing, social media, search engine optimization, or email marketing the benefits for companies utilizing online marketing are getting better and better. With these increased benefits coming from online marketing, it's not hard to imagine that businesses plan to increase their online marketing budgets in 2013. The budgets were already up in 2012 and all surveys are pointing that it will increase even more this year. What do these businesses get from their online marketing and why are they spending more money on this type of marketing?

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Why small businesses should be marketing on Linkedin

If you know anything about social media, then you probably know that LinkedIn has the reputation of being the red headed step child. Some people don't understand what LinkedIn is for. Some question does it have value, especially when it comes to small business. Fortunately, LinkedIn is more of a diamond in the ruff rather than the red headed step child.

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