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The 3 Most Overlooked Site Metrics –– And Why They Matter

Posted on Mar 9, 2018 10:30:00 AM by Samantha Shannon

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Successful marketers combine a number of skills to craft the perfect strategy for their client. A successful marketing campaign is often equal parts art and science –– along with a healthy dose of intuition. While it’s relatively easy to determine if a given strategy is working or not, it’s often more difficult to determine how well it’s performing. That’s because whether due to inability or ignorance, plenty of companies don’t properly use site metrics to track their marketing data. And if they do, they only take a cursory glance. Today though, we’ll examine three key, yet overlooked, site metrics every business should track –– not only to review previous performance –– but also to improve future efforts:

Customer Engagement

When a qualified lead clicks on your page, you want them glued to your content. Obviously, the more interested a viewer is in what you’ve got to say, the better chance you have of making a sale. Too often businesses are concerned only with the gross totals of clicks and views on their site –– and they ignore everything else. However, there are a couple of “mini metrics” you should keep an eye on if you want to get a better picture of your customer engagement:

  • Bounce Rate –– should be low. When someone clicks on your website, you don’t want them closing out straightaway.
  • Time on Page –– should be high. (Of course.) But be careful to fall too much in love with this stat. It doesn’t tell the whole story.
  • Click Rates –– getting a customer to look at your page for a long time is great. Getting them to click through multiple pages is better.

New vs. Old Visitors

You want your website to act as a net to catch new leads and customers. But you shouldn’t forget about your current customer base when analyzing your site metrics. That’s because it costs more money to bring in a new client than to retain an old one. So make sure that you’re getting a healthy mix of fresh and returning visitors to your site. Tip the scales too far in one direction and you’ve got a problem.


This metric can get a bit tricky, but the main gist of it is to attribute leads and sales back to the content that created them. You can do this in a number of ways, and you can even separate sales from leads in collecting your data. Call tracking software will also help you connect sales made offline back to the online content that generated it. The benefit of this metric though, is clear. In addition to determining which of your ads, posts, and social media blurbs are driving the most leads to your site, the information itself can give you a blueprint for how to better your strategy in the future. Good marketing is all about making adjustments –– lead and call tracking gives you the tools to make them better.

Learn More

We could go on for days discussing the merits of all the different site metrics available for companies to analyze. After all, SEO is our bread and butter. If you want to learn more, or if you’re ready to take your marketing efforts up a notch, contact the Leap Clixx team today. We can help you get started with a new campaign, or bolster your current strategies. And for more information on how to improve your website to get more leads, check out our free eBook here:

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