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What are the Disadvantages of Digital Marketing?

Posted on Dec 21, 2018 10:30:00 AM by Chans Weber

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At Leap Clixx, we obviously believe in digital marketing. After all, it’s how we make a living! So when potential clients ask about the disadvantages of digital marketing campaigns, it’s tempting to say that there aren’t any. Yet, as with any product or service, digital marketing isn’t infallible. Professional marketers make mistakes all the time, and some digital marketing practices can backfire stupendously. Today, we’ll explore three possible drawbacks to digital marketing, but also offer why we think it’s vital all the same:

Digital Marketing is Fluid

Perhaps the biggest challenge for marketers in the digital age is keeping up with Google. One major aspect of contemporary marketing is search-engine optimization (SEO). SEO tactics dictate how marketers create content, design web pages, and construct websites. All of these actions are done (at least partially) with the intention of boosting a company’s visibility for queries on search engines like Google. However, Google regularly alters the rules of the game and moves the goalposts around, so to speak. Google constantly adjusts its algorithm and keeps its methodology secret. While most of the adjustments Google makes are relatively minor, some can have a big effect on search-engine rankings. In essence, this means that how Google determines which web pages appear at the top of search queries could change from year-to-year. This is obviously frustrating for business owners considering that they may be investing in marketing strategies today that could prove less effective in five years.

Digital Marketing Requires TLC

Though there are a number of ways to incorporate automation into digital marketing campaigns, the long and short of it is that digital marketing is hard work. It takes a lot of time and energy to craft blogs on a regular basis, engage with leads on social media, and manage digital advertising platforms like Google Ads. This workload may prove too much for small businesses lacking in adequate staffing. The alternative, of course, is to partner with a digital marketing agency –– should your budget allow for it.

Digital Marketing is Competitive

Since virtually every company on Earth has some form of web presence at this point, it’s often very difficult for new businesses to make a splash in their field –– at least right away. Certain industries are notoriously competitive, and in order to gain high rankings for lucrative keywords, companies have to be willing to devote a good deal of time and effort to marketing. Even long-tail keywords have become increasingly more competitive over the years, which means that if businesses want to enhance their online visibility, they need to consistently outwork competitors within their niche field.

The Bottom Line

Sound digital marketing tactics aren’t magical cure-alls that will fix every problem a business faces. They are, however, essential in developing a company’s brand online, increasing lead generation, and achieving sustainable growth. Digital marketing may seem confusing and difficult, but the potential for ROI greatly outweighs these issues. At the end of the day, if a business refuses to market online, it will never be able to attract new customers and will likely struggle to maintain their current base. In that sense, digital marketing prevents businesses from falling off the map. For more information about digital marketing, contact the Leap Clixx team today, or check out our free eBook outlining our unique, inbound approach:

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Topics: Inbound Marketing